This week, the prompts were about worries and anxieties of childhood, what we wished we had known, and what we hope for ourselves now. This was a little tricky for me at first, because my inclination is to bright side things. I realized this is a protective measure I take to keep me from going too far down the rabbit […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Six
This last week, week six, was another one spent in exploration and reflection about my origins. I spent the week juxtaposing the traditions, values, and characteristics of the family I grew up with and the family I have now. The memories and stories that illuminate those traditions and values, every single one a mess of realization and waves of complex […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Five
This week we took a trip down memory lane, reflecting on our very beginning years and the people we grew up with. Though in some ways the prompts were fairly mundane, I knew that this would be the start of an increasingly rough road for me and several of my journey mates. It seemed a little mean to get into […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Four
I think about what the last four years have been like, globally, in the US, and locally. And I see that four years have aged us decades. We, us humans, are exhausted. We are full of intense and sometimes unmanageable emotions, and for some of us that is overwhelming and triggers our primal responses. Fight. Flight. Freeze. Flop. Fawn. There […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Three
The prompts, the writing journey itself, were exactly what I needed this past week to be honest. The last few years have been a lot for most of us, and it is hard to wrap the brain around everything. All of it. As I spent time reflecting and writing this past week, I realized that even though I knew it […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Two
The number of times I caught myself literally typing “that will make no sense to anyone who is not inside my brain” this week makes me laugh. I am working on trying to write in response to the prompt in front of me, which can be tough sometimes if I am not quite ready to write. Sometimes I have to […]
Lets Make it a Habit
I was talking to someone the other day about habits, and they mentioned something that I have been noodling over. I don’t remember the exact phrase, but the idea they posed was that habits are essentially neurological shortcuts that your brain takes to preserve energy and protect itself and you. For example, habits like chewing your nails are often what […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week One
This week was busy in general, so beginning this writing journey during a busy week was a test of my will power in a lot of ways. The prompts felt right, helping me to take a moment and reflect on where I am in this season of life without making me dig too deep just yet. I felt good about […]
WriteTogether: Facilitation Team
Many of us have navigated difficult times and situations throughout the last few years, and while some things have stayed the same, so much has changed. Our dreams for where we go from here and who we work to become in the future have been influenced by what impacted us from our pasts, and for some of us this may […]
WriteTogether Registration is Live
Registration for WriteTogether is now live! I know some of you have been wondering if I am doing a writing journey again this year or not. The simple answer is YES I AM! And the full answer is, this year others will participate in facilitating and expanding the experience with me! Register today and come back soon for additional announcements […]