Annual Notice & Reminders

I am so grateful for the partnership, support, and participation in working towards a world free from power-based violence, a world where survivors are supported fully in leading change, a world where the humanity that binds us to each other is protected and celebrated. A world where the hard work of healing belongs to us all, a world where love […]

No Afterthought

I have been going back and forth on how I should say what I’m about to say. All the usual anxieties and old belief patterns have kept me from saying it for quite some time. Today, I checked my 2020 intentions and saw “Be LOUDer in Leadership” and realized quiet isn’t part of that. So, as an act of self-care […]

Intention Check-In

We’re a couple weeks in now, three weeks since I closed down in-person services… Everyone I have talked to this week is starting to feel it. Feel what the rest of the world has been living with, as reality, for months. And I’ve learned some things I wish I could unlearn, been confronted with things I wish I could ignore. […]