Never Again

Okay listen.This graphic… phew! Folks, pretending to be someone I am not is a rejection of who I am, who I am becoming, and who I am coming back to. I know this from experience, because I did abandon myself for years. I know what its like to be told, explicitly, to choose to either abandon myself or to be […]

Services Notice: Extended Breaks

I appreciate your partnership, support, and participation in building up survivor leadership, developing trauma-ready responses to human trafficking that include the work of anti-racism through an intersectional lens. Your dedication to care for yourself and your community is critical to this work. To that end, and in order to provide the best services possible, my office will be closed during […]

Twenty Two

Twenty two years ago today… So much has happened between then and today, lifetimes worth of happenings.  Some of those happenings have been enjoyable, joy jilled, exciting, energizing. Others have been heartbreaking, devastating, destructive to the soul. It hasn’t been an easy road, and there have been so many times when giving up seemed like a better option. There hasn’t […]

Sanctuary in the midst of this

Warning: raw post, may be uncomfortable and trigger an amygdala response for some. Extra warning: if you come here for debate, to defend some action you see laid out below, or to be creepily sympathetic, please go somewhere else with that. I’m not sharing this for you, and this isn’t the place for that. Originally posted August 12, 2020 It […]

We need to talk

We need to talk a minute folks. We need to talk about how survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation often feel disconnected from their bodies even long after the fact. How our minds will tell us one thing, and our bodies something else. How normal it is to “shut down” and block out all emotion and connection. […]

Save the children?

We live in a world where trafficking and exploitation of human beings happens every day. This is a reality, most of us know this if we really think about it. What we see and hear about trafficking and exploitation can make our blood boil, break our hearts, and often launches us into sudden and explosive action. It can feel good […]

Things must change

Dear Black and Brown, friends and family and followers, you deserve so much better than the way the world is now. I am deeply sorry for the part I have played, and do play, in letting it be the way it is. You are fully human, beautiful, merciful, gracious, and wise. You deserve to be treated with respect, and to […]

No Afterthought

I have been going back and forth on how I should say what I’m about to say. All the usual anxieties and old belief patterns have kept me from saying it for quite some time. Today, I checked my 2020 intentions and saw “Be LOUDer in Leadership” and realized quiet isn’t part of that. So, as an act of self-care […]

Self-Care and YouTube

Hello Friends!! I have been working on a three-part video series on self-care called “Let’s Talk: Self-Care” these last couple of weeks. All the newness and trying to make sure my family is cared for while we are going through this pandemic has caused the project to take me much longer than I hoped, but it is coming along and […]

Intention Check-In

We’re a couple weeks in now, three weeks since I closed down in-person services… Everyone I have talked to this week is starting to feel it. Feel what the rest of the world has been living with, as reality, for months. And I’ve learned some things I wish I could unlearn, been confronted with things I wish I could ignore. […]