Write My Map Reflection: Weeks 1 & 2

It was hard to get back into the swing of things this year. Just a matter of fact, not a judgement or even an excuse, there was so much going on it was hard to allow myself to pause at all. I kept thinking about how less is more, and that sometimes the biggest flex is simply to stop and […]

WriteTogether Reflection: Week Sixteen

Week sixteen. It is hard to believe that we are here at the end of week sixteen already, staring down the proverbial barrel of the end of this writing journey… Phew. Sometimes I have to take a moment when I think about how much time has passed during these writing journeys. I know it seems silly but the chaos of […]

WriteTogether Reflection: Week Seven

This week, the prompts were about worries and anxieties of childhood, what we wished we had known, and what we hope for ourselves now. This was a little tricky for me at first, because my inclination is to bright side things. I realized this is a protective measure I take to keep me from going too far down the rabbit […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflections, week 11

I hope that we can wrap up this year without leaving behind the important things that we have learned or the progress we have made in the practices we have been engaging. I hope that we can slow down enough to really notice and embrace the lessons that were meant for us. I hope that we can grieve for what […]