Dear Survivor,Tomorrow we will start another month. We will focus our attention on another group or issue of which to be aware or celebrate. Tomorrow, folks will gradually stop wearing that color that signals they want the world to know about trafficking and exploitation. The news will slow down those stories of “rescue” and arrest. The requests to tell your […]
Survivor: Part 2
***In this post, I am going to probably make most of you uncomfortable, please know that I don’t want your discomfort to cause you harm. I just want you to understand, and sometimes understanding comes by wading through, and tuning in to, the discomfort. *** Survivor: Part 2 Now, I will be the first to admit that I use this […]
****Warning: this piece may evoke some overwhelming thoughts and feelings, please be mindful of this**** Survivor is a label I was given.A gold sticker that says “I survived.” As though it only applies after I am not longer being victimized. But am I not a survivorif I am still aliveeven when I am still staring into the eyesof a person […]
We need to talk
We need to talk a minute folks. We need to talk about how survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation often feel disconnected from their bodies even long after the fact. How our minds will tell us one thing, and our bodies something else. How normal it is to “shut down” and block out all emotion and connection. […]