Write My Map Reflection: Weeks 1 & 2

It was hard to get back into the swing of things this year. Just a matter of fact, not a judgement or even an excuse, there was so much going on it was hard to allow myself to pause at all. I kept thinking about how less is more, and that sometimes the biggest flex is simply to stop and […]

Writing Journey Invitation: Write My Map

The writing journey is going to be very different this year…  If you’ve been trying to gain perspective and really ground yourself in who you are right now and how that impacts how you show up in the world, this journey is for you too.  This year I will be opening up about some of the techniques and practices that […]

WriteTogether: Facilitation Team

Many of us have navigated difficult times and situations throughout the last few years, and while some things have stayed the same, so much has changed. Our dreams for where we go from here and who we work to become in the future have been influenced by what impacted us from our pasts, and for some of us this may […]