WriteTogether Reflection: Week Three

The prompts, the writing journey itself, were exactly what I needed this past week to be honest. The last few years have been a lot for most of us, and it is hard to wrap the brain around everything. All of it.

As I spent time reflecting and writing this past week, I realized that even though I knew it would be a lot.. it was more than I had even imagined. It is almost as if an entire lifetime of events, of heartache and pain, joy and disaster, all compounded into a moment. A moment spread out over four years.

Even though the last  four years impacted most of us disproportionately, in truth we have all lost so much. So much illusion and reality. So many jobs and ways of life. So many loved ones and people we knew. Connections have been severed, and fused.

The universe has been trying to tell us something through all of this. I am not sure what yet, but the whispers are there. Beginning to pull apart the threads and notice how it all has come together, made us come undone, and start putting everything in new places is what I need right now.

This is a shorter reflection than I usually have, in truth I am still processing how week three went. It was a big week, and the writing hit deeper than I thought it would and is going to take a little time to mull over. Today is a breath in the middle of a deep dive, looking forward to continuing to process through writing this next week.

And that is where I will leave you for now.