The annual check in. This is a process I participate in every year, and of all the practices I engage myself in this is probably the one that is the most important for me. I usually take an entire month to go through this part of the process, and there’s a good reason for that. Every year I wonder if […]
Write My Map Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6
It is hard to slow down this time of year. Even as someone who has immensely more control over my schedule than most people do, there are a lot of pressures and activities happening all around me. I have to work extra hard to filter what needs my attention and what can be left alone, and to determine how to […]
Write My Map Reflection: Weeks 3 & 4
This part of Write My Map has been about exploring mission, specifically our own missions. And as I was writing in response and reflection to the prompts, I couldn’t help but also reflect on how my understanding of mission has changed over the years. When I was a kid, I heard about missions all the time. The way everybody talked […]
Write My Map Reflection: Weeks 1 & 2
It was hard to get back into the swing of things this year. Just a matter of fact, not a judgement or even an excuse, there was so much going on it was hard to allow myself to pause at all. I kept thinking about how less is more, and that sometimes the biggest flex is simply to stop and […]
Writing Journey Invitation: Write My Map
The writing journey is going to be very different this year… If you’ve been trying to gain perspective and really ground yourself in who you are right now and how that impacts how you show up in the world, this journey is for you too. This year I will be opening up about some of the techniques and practices that […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Final Session
I am always in awe at the end of these journeys. I know it take a lot of courage just to sign up. It takes a lot of courage to keep going, courage and energy. Most folks don’t make it all the way through without being derailed a few times, life has a way of doing that. Some decide now […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Eighteen
The last few years have presented some unique and difficult situations, while too many things have stayed the same, a lot has changed. It became clear to me that my dreams for where I go from here, who I work to become both now and, in the future, have been deeply impacted. Not just by the last few years, but […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Seventeen
I don’t even know where to begin with this week. Honestly, it was really hard to settle in for writing for myself this week. I had to check in with myself a lot about that, the truth is that I had a lot of writing to do for work this week. Sometimes when I write for work, its simple and […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Sixteen
Week sixteen. It is hard to believe that we are here at the end of week sixteen already, staring down the proverbial barrel of the end of this writing journey… Phew. Sometimes I have to take a moment when I think about how much time has passed during these writing journeys. I know it seems silly but the chaos of […]
WriteTogether Reflection: Week Fifteen
Listen, this week things were pretty intense. In the middle of it, I got a chance to do some physical labor that helped me keep at least a little bit of my sanity, and as my kid would say its “so exhausting it’s good.” I cant say that hurt things any, as someone with ADHD sometimes that tactile work helps […]