Transition: Summer to School

It is that time of year again. The school supplies start piling into stores, suddenly all the clothes no longer fit, open houses and registration invitations start pouring in, paperwork and doctors appointments abound. Back-to-school time is upon us and there are too many things to get done as we prepare the children in our care to return to classrooms! […]

#WriteWithMe Reflection: week 17

The writing prompts for this last week were about fear. Naming the fears we hold about what we cant or wont be able to do, and identifying ways to release the hold the fear has on us. My most successful survival tactics have included stuffing all of the big feelings inside and ignoring them to the point where I no […]

#WriteWithMe Reflection: Week 11

This week, week 11, we wrote three days and in between I used my time to reflect on how 2022 went and what I am hoping to bring into 2023. I appreciated the prompts this week because they really helped me focus and they fit right into the work I was doing on the other two days. Reflecting on what […]

#WriteWithMe Reflection: Week 10

Wow, the end of the year… 2022 was a lot. Looking back on it, I wonder how we ever functioned in the “pre 2020” days, when we were doing so much more running around and “stuff.” I felt in a lot of ways that we were trying to slow down, remove and release the stuff that just didn’t fit our […]