#WriteWithMe Reflection: Week 11
This week, week 11, we wrote three days and in between I used my time to reflect on how 2022 went and what I am hoping to bring into 2023. I appreciated the prompts this week because they really helped me focus and they fit right into the work I was doing on the other two days. Reflecting on what has changed, the decisions I need to make, and obstacles that I might face, helped to get my brain going. Reflecting on who shows up for me, helps me stay grounded, and celebrates me when I win at life, gave me warm fuzzies and also showed me some patterns I need to keep working on. I was able to begin the process of naming my intentions for this year, and thinking through some of the areas where I need to let things rest and where I need to dig more.
As I wrap up my writing for the week and pause with everything that has gone on, and everything that I wrote about, the gravity of the fact that the first full week of 2023 is concluding is the thing that strikes me most.
Time has this weirdness to it these days. As though it is flying by in a breath, and also completely paused. Feels like just yesterday that we were beginning 2020 and things were changing and we had all these plans for what we were going to be doing. And, WHAM! Suddenly it is 2023 and… I wonder if this is what it would have felt like for everyone who “Blipped.” Folks have gotten older, time has passed, things have changed, but really nothing changed except for the people getting older part. And you’re left wondering what the hell happened.
Here I am, about to walk into week 12 of this writing journey, and I have been awake and alert and committed to this process. And still, I wonder how we are already about to begin week 12!?!? Three more weeks before the official end of the journey. There are a couple of bonus weeks after that, but the official journey is almost over. I didn’t expect this to feel so weighty, its kind of taking my breath and I am feeling more emotional about it then I planned.
I know this all feels so much weightier because it is Human Trafficking Awareness month, and I recently heard about another survivor who lost her life, and another who lost everything in her life and is working to build it back up again. I have watched postings from survivors all across the nation, grieving, raging, healing, and exhausted. Trying to impact change, the stop exploitation and harm, in a society that appears to thrive on exploitation and harm, takes it out of you. We don’t quit, we never quit. We just take a deep breath, and work to find another way.
As I sit with this, I am reminded of the meditation I shared last week and feel it is important to share again. Mostly so I can pause for a moment too…
I invite you to pause for a moment with me before you go. Rest your body wherever you are, in whatever way is most comfortable to you. Take a deep breath in. Allow your lungs to fill and your chest to rise. Release your breath slowly and fully, allowing your body to relax and your pulse to slow.
Notice your surroundings as you continue breathing in, and out, slowly and deliberately. Notice how your body feels, the smells, sounds, and any movement or images around you. Just notice, and breathe deeply in, and out.
Turn your noticing inward for a moment. Notice the state of your being, your joy and sorrow, your energy. Notice what is brewing and bubbling inside, what is warm and settled or at peace. Just notice, and breathe in. And out. In. And out. In. And out.
As you continue to breathe, allow yourself to feel whatever emotions arise for a moment. Notice them. Just notice, and breathe. Then allow them to pass.
Take a deep breath in, gathering your courage and strength. Breathe out slowly, releasing any overwhelm or despair that may linger.
Take a long deep breath in as you gently shake your body back to the moment. Release your breathe with gratitude.
May you find what you’ve been looking for, and laugh so hard the tears flow freely.
May you grow with grace and humility as you learn from every choice you make.
May you grieve the loss and pain and sorrow, and live your life fully.
May you love bravely and loudly, and remember who you are.
May you know that you are enough.
Exactly as you are.
May you feel your worthiness.
Exactly as you are.
May you know and be known.
Exactly as you are.
May you love and be loved.
Exactly as you are.
May you feel rooted and connected.
May you rest your weary bones.
May you feel the fear and move with courage anyway.
May you let go of what needs to be released from before.
May you welcome this moment exactly as you are.