WriteTogether Reflection: Week Thirteen

I decided that this week I would share with you an excerpt from my writing. Just me in the moment, a bit of my response to one of the prompts…

A whole new world. That’s what I want.  

A community and world that loves so hard on each other that prisons become fully funded libraries, with wide open gardens, walls bright and warm. The bars, restraints, and tech used to keep people in and small, are melted down and used for tools to bring the ground back to life. The systems used to incarcerate are broken down and done away with, no longer necessary. The people who participated would face the harm they have done, and work through apology in action. We would love so hard none of us would feel the need for law or law enforcement. Our relationship to and with each other, and the boundaries we set and honor, would be enough. Hospitals offer healing, and innovation, doctors listen and work together with people to find solutions…instead of offering debt and medical gaslighting. Schools belong to the students, who build and imagine and play and are free to be children and grow up without fear and without unnecessary pressure to be anything they weren’t meant to be. Science and technology would energize and infuse or ignite excitement, we would find ways to make the world a better place as a whole and without destruction. To heal the damage we have done by forgetting how connected we are to the heartbeat of the earth. What we do for a living is life giving to us and to each other, it doesn’t weigh us down or make our souls go dry. We learn together, engage conflict and differences without resorting to violence or war. We hold each other, when things get rough or we become tired, there is room for unapologetic rest. No shame, no guilt, no worries. We love each other so deeply, that we tell the hardest truths and learn to apologize in word and action. We do the work to open and unravel and become who we truly are, return to who we were always meant to be. Brilliance and beauty are in honesty and integrity and the energy we bring to every space we enter. And we love each other and ourselves so much that we point our egos towards each other, towards supporting wholeness, recognizing the connection we have to each other and to the earth, hand-in-hand, breathing life into each other and the world.  

That kind of world will take more than a year… 

I think I can find little ways invite that kind of world into reality, to offer it space to grow into more than an imagining. Little ways to ignite courage and creativity. To show up as if the world, and its inhabitants, are this dream.