WriteTogether, The Workbook: NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON
For those of you who may not be aware, since 2021 I have designed and facilitated a reflective writing journey that typically takes place from October to the end of January. Writing and reflective journaling has been an integral part of my healing and the work that I do across the country and around the world, and these writing journeys have been an opportunity for me to do this alongside many other folks. In October of 2023, my friend Brooke and I co-designed and co-facilitated a writing journey “WriteTogether” which ended in February of this year. As we began to wrap up the facilitated writing group, we decided to take the steps to adapt the writing journey to a workbook. I am happy and proud to announce that WriteTogether, The Workbook is now available for purchase in print and digital copy.
WriteTogether is a journey of reflective journaling, designed to last approximately 18 weeks. WriteTogether guides writers through several mindful exercises, and provides journal prompts to support reflection and action. The journey provides guidance to writing and reflecting on the last few years, excavating upbringing, dreaming and imagining what comes next, and taking steps towards those dreams. The WriteTogether journey has given me the foundation and confidence to really dig into my past and put into words so many things that I had not found ways to express yet. Truly, this journey is near and dear to me, and was the catalyst I needed in order to get serious about finishing writing my own story which I hope to complete over the summer this year. And if you who know a little bit (or a lot) of my story, you know this is no simple or easy undertaking.
The workbook is available on Amazon, however, if you are interested in bulk ordering or ordering directly from us, please let Brooke (zelasneyb@gmail.com) or myself (rpointer@rachelpointer.com) know.