#HumanTraffickingAwarenessMonth 2022

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Every year, I’ve got more and more to say about that. And 2022 is no different. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be linking to some old and new posts and resources on my social platforms. Starting with this one: Save the children?

21 things

Dear Self, I have some advice for you to carry from 2021 into 2022, 21 pieces of advice to be exact. I don’t like those letters or articles that meander around the point, so I am going to just get right to it… Get specific and clear about what you want. Nebulous and undefined dreams are the ones that never […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflections, week 11

I hope that we can wrap up this year without leaving behind the important things that we have learned or the progress we have made in the practices we have been engaging. I hope that we can slow down enough to really notice and embrace the lessons that were meant for us. I hope that we can grieve for what […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflections, week 10

Take time Even if it is just a moment Enjoy the unlikely silence just before the home awakens Savor that first sip of coffee Breathe deeply that early morning air Feel the warmth of the sun shining through the window Take time Notice the sparkle in the eyes of a loved one The sound of the water as it washes […]

#JuWriSoMos reflection, week 9

Winding down for the year always comes with a certain amount of reflection for me. Reflection about what I have encountered over the past year, what I’ve accomplished, and what I need to work on. It’s kind of a point to pause, let is all catch up, settle, and re-set. Even when it is super busy, there’s still this part […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflection, week 8

This past week has been a really good way to move into the second half of this challenge. One of the things that I hoped to do during this challenge was find a way to get over my block about not being able to connect to my writing without having a chunk of a few hours to write in. Previously […]

Never Again

Okay listen.This graphic… phew! Folks, pretending to be someone I am not is a rejection of who I am, who I am becoming, and who I am coming back to. I know this from experience, because I did abandon myself for years. I know what its like to be told, explicitly, to choose to either abandon myself or to be […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflections, Week 7

Over the last week I have really reflected on the highlights and themes I have noticed since this challenge began. And I find myself reflecting on the fact that this part of the challenge is aligned with the time of year where I intentionally evaluate what my goals for the last year were and identifying where I want to go […]

#JuWriSoMos Reflections, week 6

As I reflect back on this past week writing each day, I am drawn to the writing prompt for Saturday. Really it was the whole week building to that prompt, but Saturday is when it hit me. When I look back at what I’ve written so far, what keeps jumping out to me is how much I underestimate myself, even […]

Services Notice: Extended Breaks

I appreciate your partnership, support, and participation in building up survivor leadership, developing trauma-ready responses to human trafficking that include the work of anti-racism through an intersectional lens. Your dedication to care for yourself and your community is critical to this work. To that end, and in order to provide the best services possible, my office will be closed during […]