#JuWriSoMos Reflections, Week 4

The #JuWriSoMos challenge has been very helpful for me this past week. In spite of the occasional struggle that I have to put words down on paper, I found myself identifying some patterns that I hadn’t noticed before. I don’t know that I have ever taken the time to reflect on, and write down, why I want to write the […]

#JuWriSoMos reflections, week 3

This week was one that tested me. Not only was I out of my routine, and not in my own space, but I was also struck by the weight of the prompts for this week. Had I the time, I would have written for hours about some of the prompts. Weird, honestly, because they were about feelings. And, as a […]

#JuWriSoMos week 2 reflection

This week was hard. I had a lot going on, jam packed schedule on top of stuff not working like it should. There was one day where I had to change my writing time to later in the day, tempted to just “make it up tomorrow” or forget about it altogether, I changed my calendar block and told myself I’d […]

#JuWriSoMos, the beginning and week one

My whole being has been telling me I need to write more. I need to get back into writing consistently. If not to complete the thousands of personal projects I have milling around in my brain, to simply begin to get some of the jumble out of my head and onto paper. That always helps. I kept meaning to, and […]

#JuWriSoMos Challenge

Aspiring authors, folks who breathe better after they write but just can’t get into a rhythm, folks with a million responsibilities and a nanosecond of time, folks who can’t focus, folks who get overwhelmed by the massiveness of 50k words, folks who are super hard on themselves when they don’t meet goals even if there’s super good reasons for it, […]

Twenty Two

Twenty two years ago today… So much has happened between then and today, lifetimes worth of happenings.  Some of those happenings have been enjoyable, joy jilled, exciting, energizing. Others have been heartbreaking, devastating, destructive to the soul. It hasn’t been an easy road, and there have been so many times when giving up seemed like a better option. There hasn’t […]

Sanctuary in the midst of this

Warning: raw post, may be uncomfortable and trigger an amygdala response for some. Extra warning: if you come here for debate, to defend some action you see laid out below, or to be creepily sympathetic, please go somewhere else with that. I’m not sharing this for you, and this isn’t the place for that. Originally posted August 12, 2020 It […]

We need to talk

We need to talk a minute folks. We need to talk about how survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual exploitation often feel disconnected from their bodies even long after the fact. How our minds will tell us one thing, and our bodies something else. How normal it is to “shut down” and block out all emotion and connection. […]

Save the children?

We live in a world where trafficking and exploitation of human beings happens every day. This is a reality, most of us know this if we really think about it. What we see and hear about trafficking and exploitation can make our blood boil, break our hearts, and often launches us into sudden and explosive action. It can feel good […]

Things must change

Dear Black and Brown, friends and family and followers, you deserve so much better than the way the world is now. I am deeply sorry for the part I have played, and do play, in letting it be the way it is. You are fully human, beautiful, merciful, gracious, and wise. You deserve to be treated with respect, and to […]